The analytical capabilities of the CRLB are constantly expanding; current analysis include routine and specialized chemistry, hematology, coagulation, specialized lipids and lipoproteins and many more. Here is a list of all the tests we are currently able to perform. We also have vast expertise in high throughput DNA purification. The Laboratory establishes and validates every test prior to testing of research study samples. Close collaboration with the HRLMP (70 MD/PhD) provides a wealth of local expertise for new assay procedures. There have also been analytical collaborations with colleagues in Canada, the United States, China, India, Germany and Australia.
The samples collected for studies in which the CRLB has collaborated have been collected, processed and stored according to standardized protocols based on best practices. All laboratory materials are written to meet the standard of specimens processed to derivatives and frozen within 2 hours of collection. These specimens have been stored for up to 15 years. Each sample is barcode labeled and data is collected on temperature and duration of storage at the site of collection, mode and duration of transport to the CRLB and conditions from the time of reception and storage at the CRLB until use. In addition, each study retains data on all of the variables collected for each patient from whom specimens were collected and can be linked by that investigator to the blood sample results. The only unique identifiers known by the CRLB staff during handling and analysis are barcode numbers; all other data is kept by the Principal Investigator of each study.